End of TV

by admin

It was once said:
“I want my…
I want my MTV”

Consumer mania in the shadow of the Cold War.
Private television. Cable television. Baby boomers. Beamers (BMW 3 series).

And all fueled by music videos.

But now not only the phenomenon #MTV as a permanent music video channel has disappeared (something is still fluttering around as a remnant channel), but the end of private TV and maybe the entire classic TV is just looming!

The music videos at that time were so trend-determining that we as FFF producers in the advertising agencies permanently got to hear from the customers but also the CDs and ADs the always same sentence: “This should look like the xyz music video!”

The only question that arises today is rather this. Is it nostalgia or complete inability to face this new world or do people prefer to dance on the Titanic until the complete sinking – or why do corporations and branded companies still invest money in TV #advertising? By the way, the same applies to classic print advertising!

There is streaming and when the first platforms finally switch an #AI (AI) as an intelligent contact:in front of previously rather dull navigations, the advertising-financed TV is gone. And after that, no one will understand why they should continue to pay for the public broadcaster.

Advertising money would therefore be much better invested in product placement and sponsoring of content as well as intelligent networking with users, rather than continuing to produce and run dull #advertising films.

Because one thing is clear and was already prophetically written in the lyrics of the first MTV clip:

“Easy, easy money for nothin’ (I want my, I want my)
Chicks for free (I want my MTV)
That ain’t workin'”

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