Disruption of the entertainment industry – How an industry is being destroyed so that something new can grow up.

by admin

“The only constant in universe is change”
Heraklit von Ephesu

A true statement made as early as 500 B.C., which still causes CEOs and other corporate leaders, as well as the masses, to get all worked up.
But what is so tragic about it?
Is it this eternally boring path through university, then the rise in one or more companies or the path from junior until you take over the family business and when you are at the top, the entire world has changed.

People seem to be incapable in mass or have been socialized for over 2000 years to want to have something – but the part that explains to them that loss begins the moment they have something is always left out!

Currently there is a gigantic disruption in the entertainment industry. No matter if TV, radio, cinema, streaming, gaming, fun parks – but also the whole advertising industry.
Age-old concepts are still being pursued and no one seems to dare to tell the truth. You are on the verge of: Game Over!
Whereby I see it more like this: Let the games begin!

The AI completely replaces what thousands of people here believe in creating or controlling. Those who do not deal with completely new financing concepts, complex mergers of advertising, brands, customer enjoyment, interaction, but also and just induvidual and yet also group experience, will no longer exist in a few years. It has become MySpace.

How this works, I am happy to demonstrate the idea DARK-ELVES, with whose implementation 3.0 I started this year. Hence this picture, which was created by an AI according to very specific criteria.
And beyond that also the reason for a foundation, a publishing house and a film production!

I am happy about the companies/brands that are part of this journey into the future.

All image material is the property of Infinet Media Ltd.
It can only be used after written permission has been granted. Any other use will be legally prosecuted as copyright infringement.



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